Peter Pentchev wrote:
> Terry, this is simply not true.  Even in -stable, config(8)
> is smart enough to try reading the opt_*.h files, and not
> change them if they already contain the values it is about
> to write there.

Rerunning config and make depend always result in more
things being recompiled for me, than just me typing

The "buildkernel" target also can not handle all of the
intricacies of all the parameters that you might want to
pass to "config": things are lost.

It's not a reasonable workaround to the problem under
discussion (building multiple kernels for multiple
architectures using one tree).


All my PPC based NetBSD systems run different kernel
configurations, specific to the machine (not processor)
architecture.  But everything other than the kernel and
modules should be shared, since all the systems kernels
present the same ABI to user space.  Rebuilding everything
is not a reasonable option.

> [root@ringworld:v1 /usr/src]# LANG=C ls -lt /usr/obj/usr/src/sys/RINGWORLD/opt_*.h | 
>head -2
> -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel    0 Jun 11 23:35 /usr/obj/usr/src/sys/RINGWORLD/opt_aac.h
> -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel    0 Jun 11 23:35 
> [root@ringworld:v1 /usr/src]#
> As you can see, the two most recent files date back to June 11th...

Next time, include the other things like param.c
and so on, created by config.

I want to avoid _all_ unnecessary rebuilds.

(Technically, the vers.c rebuild is unnecessary, too,
since nothing is supposed to have changes, so vers.c
should not have been rewritten -- but that's another
discussion... 8-)).

-- Terry

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