> > With the current license, this won't be installed as part of the base
> > kernel.  (GPL and/or LGPL)
> I understand it'll continue to be a port. Am I hearing that it is
> unacceptable even as a temporary solution because of the license ?
> > It's been answered time and time again over the past months, so you must
> > not be paying attention.  The binary distribution hasn't been created
> > because we don't have a legal license to do so (yet).
> Yes, I've been reading that for a long time now, but it (what Sun is
> doing) doesn't make any sense to me. Are Sun's reasons
> (a) Technical ? Passing of JCK etc ? 
> (b) Political ? Yet another competitor to Solaris ?

Sun is very picky about the license they want to give us.  In
particular, due to a recent fight in court they had with an well-known
company in the Pacific Northwest, the type of license they are proposing
protects them from just about everything, but doesn't give us enough
lee-way to actually distribute the license.

The difficulty has been trying to appease Sun's lawyers w/out overlying
restricting the team's ability to create and maintain the JDK long-term.
(In other words, we don't want to have to go through this over and over
again for each new JDK release).

> >From your posting it appears that it's technical (not passing JCK),

Passing the JCK/TCK is simply an excercise that we haven't done yet.
Basically, once you pass the TCK, you must ship the *EXACT* version of
the binary without any modifications.  Since we are still doing
development of the port, it seemed a waste of time to run the TCK when
we may have to run it again if/when the license is signed.  (Running the
TCK is a long, drawn out process that one doesn't want to repeat if at
all possible.)

> well as political (not getting the license to run JCK). What is their
> answer reg: blackdown.org doing the same ?

Blackdown was given access to the JDK before the recent lawsuit, and as
such has 'special' privileges that they are no longer willing to grant
to new licensees.

> May be getting Zdnet to publish an article on this is the right way to
> go ? The bug parades and votes didn't seem to help much.

Actually, it's the reason that Sun is doing the dance with us right
now.  The whole Java affair has been a series of mis-steps by all
parties (myself, BSDi, and Sun), so no one party shares the entire
blame.  The most recent issue was the BSDi/WindRiver acquisition, which
left us w/out any legal advisors (unless we wanted to pay out of the
pocket, which would have cost upwards of $2K to solve, not something I
can affort).

We're hoping to have something for you in the near future.
Unfortunately, my Sun contact went on vacation yesterday before I could
get some stuff ironed out, and when he gets back from vacation, I'm
going on vacation, so nothing can get done with this for at least
another month.


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