On Sat, Jun 30, 2001 at 05:47:49AM +0000, E.B. Dreger scribbled:
| 1. Is AIO SMP-safe?

AIO is not safe, SMP or not.

| 2. If not, how could one force coherency?  (Read and rewrite locked
|    a word from each cache line?)  Is it worth the effort, or should
|    one not use AIO across process boundaries?

Don't use it.

| I'm asking primarily about 4.x, unless anyone has good guesses of
| how 5.x will be. ;-)
| I'll also keep an eye out for KSEs... thanks to Terry and others
| for alerting me to those.  (KSEs really answer most of my recent
| questions, but I don't think that I can wait that long, nor do I
| have the kernel background to really offer any assistance in the
| KSE project...)

KSE won't be available for a long time.  

| http://iteration.net/~keichii | Yes, BSD is a conspiracy. |

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