Hi all!

        Sorry if this is a wrong forum for this sort of mail. I just
        did not know any other forum that might have been a better match.

        I tried using select() to test a pty master for readiness for
        writing. If done twice without any I/O in between the calls
        to select() the latter one blocked even when the timeout value
        was specified as a timeval {0, 0}.
        Even when it did not block the pty master seemed to be willing
        to receive input until the pty buffer overflowed (the first
        call to select()).
        Test e.g.
                socket localhost chargen | testprog
        to see overflowed input being dropped. The 'testprog' should be
        a process opening a pty and forking a child process to read the
        pty slave and echo everything back.

        I am sort of puzzled about this. Should the write test using
        select() work at all for a pty master? If it should work, it
        actually might not - apparently. And if it should not, what
        is the point?
        I cannot see any obvious reason why the pty master were somehow
        a special case among different communication devices like pipes
        and sockets in this respect.
        As far as I can tell the following quote from the termios manual
        page implies that it has probably been intentional that there is
        no way to know in advance when there is space in the downstream
        buffer of the pty.

     Each terminal device file has associated with it an input queue, into
     which incoming data is stored by the system before being read by a pro-
     cess.  The system imposes a limit, {MAX_INPUT}, on the number of bytes
     that may be stored in the input queue.  The behavior of the system when
     this limit is exceeded depends on the setting of the IMAXBEL flag in the
     termios c_iflag. If this flag is set, the terminal is sent an ASCII BEL
     character each time a character is received while the input queue is
     full.  Otherwise, the input queue is flushed upon receiving the charac-

        I think the pseudo terminal master would benefit from an input
        option to make it correctly report it's writeability status
        instead of simply flushing the clist.
        If the above mentioned IMAXBEL should do exactly this, it is
        my current belief that then the select() call does not properly
        report the true status, because non-blocking writes still seem
        to return errno == EAGAIN ("resource temporarily unavailable"),
        though the select() call with zero timeout might block.

        Even the TIOCOUTQ ioctl() seems not to be much of help when
        trying to find out whether the downward pty buffer might have
        any space available because it persistently returns 0.
        Apparently it works for the upstream buffer only. So, some
        other alternative way to avoid overflowing the downward pty
        buffer would be very useful.

                // jau
.---  ..-  -.-  -.-  .-    .-  .-.-.-    ..-  -.-  -.-  ---  -.  .  -.
  /    Jukka A. Ukkonen,                            Mawit Ltd, Finland
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