At 9:49 AM -0400 7/10/01, Bill Moran wrote:
>Wes Peters wrote:
>  > Oh, come now.  FreeBSD's disk partitioning has always sucked.
>  > It does suck somewhat less than many Linux linstallers, and a
>  > lot less than the OpenBSD installer,

actually, there are a few things about the openbsd partitioning
setup which I kinda like...     :-)

>  > but it still shoves way too many details and options at the
>  > average user.  Something akin to PartitionMagic would be an
>  > ideal way to go, given unlimited resources to throw against
>  > this particular problem.
>Now, I've never used partition magic, but I (personally) find the
>FreeBSD partition program in sysinstall to be the easiest one I've
>ever used.  What should be changed to make it easier?

The main problem I have seen with this discussion is that the
current partitioning program works well for you (Bill).  Every
time anyone suggests something, you reply that it seems frivolous
to you, or that there is no other installer that you personally
have used which does a better job.  We're not trying to suggest
things to make partitioning easier for YOU, we're suggesting
things which would make it nicer/easier/friendlier for US, or
people that we deal with.

Pretty much every time I have used the disk-partitioning software
for freebsd I have hated it.  The *reason* I hate it changes from
run-to-run, but I've never been particularly happy with it.  It
is clear that you've had better luck with it than I have.  I think
I'll just leave it at that, instead of trying to interest you in
making some changes to it.  I do not mean this as a sarcastic jab,
I am just making the observation that the current setup seems to
work well for you, and thus you're not going to be as interested
in changing it as we might have hoped.

I do wish I could find someone who was interested in making changes
to it, though.

Garance Alistair Drosehn            =   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Systems Programmer           or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute    or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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