On Fri, 13 Jul 2001, Leo Bicknell wrote:


I think you have analysed it very well..
I can summarise:

We want the ability to make the current window to be able to grow
to a very large value if the link needs it. So sndbuf shold eb set high.

We don't want every process buffering in advance the entire
potential maximum window size of data, but rather some safety margin
over what is likely to be needed in a hurry by the 
tcpstack with it's instantaneous window.

We don't want to make processes stop and start too much buffering
small ammounts of data.

I would suggest that 2 * the current window may be too small
because the window might be increasing and
reception of one ack might move the window up by 
the entire transmitted window size, resulting in starvation 
if the waiting data can be sent quickly. therefore I suggest a few
modifying factors:

A minimum value of something like 16K
use 3* cWIN rather than 2*  as a lower bound.
also try figure out how much data we can send in 0.1 sec and use that
as part of the calculation.  Some systems with LOTS of 
server threads don't want to keep scheduling them
but would rather have a minimum amount of data queued to allow fairly
'chunkuy' scheduling.

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