On Fri, Jul 13, 2001 at 11:33:32AM -0700, Terry Lambert wrote:
> Group Captain Buzzwang wrote:
> > 
> > I have 4 DEC Alpha XLT's here (all are 300mhz 256m ram) that I have
> > wanted to put to use for some time. I really, really wanted to install
> > FBSD on them but FBSD doesn't support an Alpha that isn't using SRM
> > firmware. All 4 of mine are equipped with the latest (v5.66) AlphaBIOS
> > as that is all that is available anymore from Digital/Compaq. I queried
> > them about it a couple months ago and the reply was rather abrupt: "It's
> > not available."
> > 
> > I just finished installing Debian GNU/Linux on one of them. I tried it
> > because I was told that Debian has a method of using the AlphaBIOS (made
> > for installing WinNT only) to install and run Linux.
> > 
> > It seems Debian uses to files: linload.exe and another referred to as
> > MILO (Mini Loader) to bootstrap the OS into operation. It actually works
> > out quite well, and I was a little surprised to see things running in a
> > short time. Problem is that I want to use FBSD, not Linux, on these
> > boxes. I have nothing against Linux, but I figure that it's better to
> > run FBSD with Linux support than just straight Linux. That and I find
> > that I really like FBSD anyway.
> MILO loads it's own firmware, which the Linux people wrote
> from scratch.  You are lucky it works on your particular
> hardware.
> FreeBSD has a more sophisticated VM model than Linux, and
> the Linux-written firmware is missing a number of crucial
> instructions which are not missing from SRM, and so can
> not use the Linux firmware, without modifications which
> no one has written yet.
> You should post your question to the -alpha mailing list,

No.. you should read the documentation that is part of the
FreeBSD/alpha distribution.

> instead of -hackers, since there has been some work on
> making the AlphaBIOS work natively (e.g. without replacing
> it with hand written and incomplete firmware which may not
> be appropriate, or may damage your machine irreparably, if
> there is too great a mismatch).  I believe they had it to
> the point of being able to load the kernel into memory, and
> start up some of the memory management, last time they posted
> about it, but that was some time ago.
> You may also find that they know where you can find an SRM
> firmware for the machine, if it isn't one of the ones where
> the necessary chip gate has been lasered to death to keep
> people from using SRM with the chip.

<sigh>The same explanatory docs go to great lengths to explain
that the XL and XLT machines don't have SRM. It DOES NOT EXIST.

In case anybody is interested: the XL[T] were done by DECs PC
engineering groups who were only interested in NT.


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|/|/ / / /( (_) Bulte   "Youth is not a time in life, it is a state of mind"

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