:Cool!  We were just commenting that it's too bad dummynet/ALTQ really
:couldn't help the interactive response for us dial-up users.  Anyway, I
:just tried this on my dial-up connection on a fresh -STABLE but don't
:really notice any appreciable difference.
:net.inet.tcp.tcp_send_dynamic_enable: 1
:net.inet.tcp.tcp_send_dynamic_min: 1024 (tried it with default 4096 too)
:My ssh response is still about 3 or 4 seconds behind my typing.  What
:should a dial-up user expect?

    Well, what this code does is manage the case where you are streaming
    data in the transmit direction *and* trying to type at the same time
    over another connection.  It will not improve latency on an idle
    connection that you are typing over.  Even in the streaming case with
    this algorithm the minimum window is two t_maxseg packets and that
    will have a noticeable effect on latency over a dialup no matter what.
    What this protocol is supposed to save you from, at least insofar as a
    dialup goes, is that it should prevent an upload from killing terminal
    performance entirely (e.g. it should prevent 10-20 second latency on

    3-4 seconds of latency over an idle dialup is really bad.  I still
    get sub-second responsiveness when I run ssh over a dialup.  I always
    use compression over dialups (ssh -C ...) and it makes a big 

    This protocol also tends to devolve into a degenerate small-buffer
    case (which is what it is supposed to do) when the connection is
    running over a low bandwidth high latency link.  It only takes a two
    or three packet window to fill the link in such cases and the minimum
    is two packets.

    You might be able to improve performance by negotiating a smaller MTU
    (if this is a PPP connection), but no matter what you will never do
    better then the normal typing performance on an idle link that
    you already get.


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