Garance A Drosihn wrote:
> How did you do those two installs though?  David is not saying that

I don't remember very well : it may well have been done via cloning an
existing slice via dump/restore (thus no sysinstall troubles ...)

> Where you have trouble is if you have two dos-style slices defined,
> both of type freebsd, and you want sysinstall to install into the
> second of those two slices.

OK, got it : I also installed a 3.5.1 from CD/sysinstall, but it was on
the 3rd BIOS partition, where the 4th was also FreeBSD (but situated in
the disk *after* ad0s3 which was to be the new boot partition)


BTW : thanks for the *detailed* explanation

Thierry Herbelot

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