On Sat, Aug 11, 2001 at 05:25:42PM -0700, Terry Lambert wrote:
> It's like trying to find something in hierachically organized
> "GNU info" documentation: redundancy is useful, and try to
> find "__PRETTY_FUNCTION__" in the "gcc" documentation, when
> you need to read the man page carefully to find the "info"
> reference, and then need to run the "info" program instead to
> find the "real" documentation, and then either know emacs, or
> linearly tree search through 37 documents (yes, I counted), to
> find something that should be on the "cpp" man page.

The GCC developers want the manpages to die.  If you like, I can just rm
them.  But I'm not going to write replacements.  Fight this battle with
the GCC developers, not FreeBSD people.

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