
   I modifid kernel to write to disk directly after unmount all mounted 
filesystem in boot() kern/kern_shutdown.c. However, I found that my IO requests
wouldn't have callback from device interrupt routine. I traced the codes and use
gdb to find something out. The interesting is after execute 

     vfs_unmountall() -> dounmount() -> ffs_unmount() -> ffs_flushfiles() ->
     vflush()-> ??? the interrupt mask is set by splbio() without splx(), 
     therefore, all my following requests cannot return.

Notice that, the situation only happens after heavy IO, for example: cp 30 files
at the same time.

   I use spl0() to solve the prolbem, but I think it's not the right way to do 
that. Can anyone provide some clues or suggestions.


Rex Luo

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