Okay, here's the deal.

My friend, whom I am trying to teach unix [4.3-stable] was having some problems on his 
secondary ATAPI bus.  A Creative CD-ROM was 
the master, a HP burner was the slave.

I'm a SCSI guy meself, and I think the following may be the problem, but as such, I 
don't know for sure...

The CD-ROM was having data dropouts, and was due to old age, no doubt.

Under Winblowz, the HP burner would only get 4x when it was able to burn.  it's a 
12x/8x/32x drive.

Under BSD, the CD-ROM would be usable, but would be prone to dropouts.

Under BSD, the HP burner came up with sense errors on boot, prior to a proper probe 
reply.  It would hang for the duration of 
several timeouts at the point before it got the probe.

Under BSD, the HP burner would cause a terminal wait state upon any access [such as a 
mount request, or a burncd command]. 
Red-button time...

This last Friday, he bought a new CD-ROM, and a new burner, as we both thought both 
drives had issues.

He gave me the burner [after a promise to pay him $50 for the under-a-year-old burner, 
assuming I could "fix" it]...

He put his new drives in his box.  Everything works now, under Winblowz AND BSD.

I put the the HP burner in MY box, and voila!  Nothing is wrong with it...


1). Can a flaky ATAPI "Master" cause a good ATAPI "Slave" to APPEAR [however 
incorrectly] that the "Slave" has a problem?

2). If #1 is true, then, why?

One added benefit, I've been pushing him to go SCSI [with the good eBay prices on 
reliable used and new drives, as well as the 
independance of the drives, the speed, etc...  This has gotten him one step closer to 
committing to SCSI, so not all is lost in this 
story..  He got two new drives, I got a helluva deal on a good burner, and he may 
convert to SCSI...

I am relatively ignorant on ATAPI matters, and under SCSI the devices are independant, 
but we do have this question concerning the 
"Master/Slave" thing...

ET has one helluva sense of humor!
He's always anal-probing right-wing schizos!

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