If memory serves me right, Wilko Bulte wrote:
> I get the impression that even if a machine has the necessary docproj
> buildtools ports installed a 'make release' builds them from scratch
> again? Is this true? And why?

Yes, it's true.  We need to rebuild the docproj ports inside the chroot
area.  There's one optimization made...anything in /usr/ports/distfiles
gets copied to the the chroot area's /usr/ports/distfiles.  This can
save needing to fetch the distfiles for all of the docproj ports all
over again.

A little brainstorming...

I wonder if we could hand the release building process a list of
packages to install before building docs? Like we could try to do
pkg_add for each of the ports defined in ${MINIMALDOCPORTS} (insert
hand-waving here to convert directory names to package filenames).  This
introduces two problems...the release builder needs to have a set of
packages that's consistent with the requirement of the doc/ and src/
release/doc trees (as well as the release being built).  Second, it
introduces a Yet Another Knob To Tweak During Release Building (TM).

Another, truly ugly way would be an option to tar up /usr/local and drop
it into the chroot area (yeah, this doesn't work for people who don't 
install ports to /usr/local).

> This takes bloody forever..
> Observed with make release for RELENG_4 on Alpha.

Now if I can crank out releases on my puny PII-400, surely an Alpha can 
do it, right?  :-)

/me ducks and covers.


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