i am seeing problems where apache is running into swap at times.
When all is said and done...i see alot of available memory from top
and alot still stuck in swap. Restarting apache at that point clears the
swap space right out and memory is used properly again.

These seem to be short bursting peeks which i can;t get to in time to run
vmstat on. When i login i never see any paging or swapping going on maybe
2 blocked processes waiting to run seems the average under the b column
in vmstat. Another thing to note is cpu sky rockets when those burts
happen. How can a process go into swap really badly yet seem to not use
all available memory first. Disk I/O does not seem like a factor. What I
am thinking of doing is decreasing buffer cache size. Currently there is
512 megs
of ram. So 512-(kernel executable size)/5 i figure decrease it to around
25 megs instead of default for the buffer cache.
Currently i see it using about 61 megs of buffer cache. I see in the LINT
kernel config an option to set it, how do i tell what the current default
is? nbufs in not currently in the kernel i have configured.
I know I will decrease I/O performance doign this but it doesn;t seem to
be the factor.


|              BRAVENET WEB SERVICES                   |
|                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]                     |
|      screen;cd /usr/src;make buildworld;cd ~         |
|     cp MYKERNEL /sys/i386/conf;cd /usr/src           |
|        make buildkernel KERNCONF=MYKERNEL            |
|make installkernel KERNCONF=MYKERNEL;make installworld|

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