> > You're replying to Terry for christs sake!  What did you expect if not
> > revisionist $anything ?
> > 
> > Which reminds me, Adrian still oves us his story about ref :-)
> Poul, you're going off again, without regard for facts.
> Remember the last time FreeBSD history came up, I proved Nate
> mistaken in his claim that my authorship of the original 386BSD
> FAQ was "revisionist history".

No you didn't.  You changed the questions. :)

> You can check these facts out in the archives on Minnie; I can
> also provide almost every email I ever sent or received (if it
> resulted in a response from me to the author), from 1988 forward,
> since I have it all archived, since even at the time, I felt it
> might end up being an important historical record.  At the very
> least, it has provided me with a rich source of information from
> which to draw, in order to study "Open Source" projects in general,
> and 386BSD, FreeBSD, and NetBSD, in particular.

You're not the only pack-rat around here.  Be careful of your claims,
since they could come back to bite you.


ps. I still have my phone-logs of my conversations with Bill as well. ;)

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