Kevin Way <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> types:
> > You can even do this in userland with an nfs server API if you
> > want it to be portable.
> Novel idea.  I'll file it into the maybe pile.

Old idea. I first saw an ftp version of this in '91 or '92. Last time
I went looking for source code, I couldn't find it, so I have no idea
who to credit.

> > I don't know of any application that handles local files that responds
> > to any open error by prompting for a password. If "open" can now
> > return an HTTP 401 error, every application is going to need to be
> > able to deal with that in some sane way. Either that, or users are
> > going to have to know the proper syntax for usernames and passwords in
> > every URL scheme they deal with - and start putting passwords on
> > command lines, and other things that give security officers
> > nightmares.
> I would imagine that an http filesystem layer would return EACCES for a
> 401, as that would probably cause any program to return a sane error to
> the user.

Hopefuly, an http file system will have options to let you specify a
username and password, so you can mount password-protected "volumes"
that way. Or possibly a place to specify an authentication realm file,
giving username/password pairs for the various different realms that
might be in the mounted tree.

> Yes, unfortunately all ideas are just a Simple Matter of Programming...
> One miscommunication I should apologize for, I'm not suggesting the
> URLification of FreeBSD.  I'm suggesting that it would be a Good Thing if
> files available via any common networked file transfer protocol were able
> to be accessed via standard system calls.

I can't argue that having that capability on a workstation would be
nice. I don't think it's something I'd make a lot of use of, and I'm
not really interested in adding it.

> Anyway, in conclusion it would seem to me that we agree, but there was a
> misunderstanding because I did a poor job of clipping relevant text to
> show what it was I was agreeing with.

I think it's more a case of topic drift. This thread started with the
observation that URLs were ubiquitous, and asked whether or not they
should be pervasive as well. Your - and presumably Mike's - proposed
solution doesn't deal with that at all.

> > In summary, each command needs to decide - possibly on a case-by-case
> > basis whether or not the string it's got is a URL or a file name. It
> > needs to decide how the operation it's been asked to be performed can
> > be performed on the object that URL represents, and if so how it
> > should be mapped. If it's a URL, the application may well have to deal
> > with events that don't happen with local files.
> I really don't want all that in every command.  I want it in a filesystem
> layer, where appropriate, as described above.

I agree about that. On the other hand, there are commands that take
arguments with information that can be put into a url. Because URLs
are ubiquitous, it would be nice if those commands would extrat that
information for you. I.e. - ncftp grew the ability to deal with FTP
urls. fetch carries that even further. I can see wanting a mail
composition program that would recognize a mailto URL on the argument
line, and pull out the address and subject for you.

One of the suggestions that fell out of this was that there be a shell
command for doing these kinds of things. While I like that idea, I
think the shell command should be a wrapper around some library calls,
so that this kind of thing can easily be added to commands where
appropriate. Especially since we already have half the functionality -
if in a crippled form - in libfetch.

This is something I'm willing to work on, and have even started on. I
submitted PR 30318, which adds the missing half the functionality to
libfetch - but doesn't do any healing of the first half - and a small
program that tries to act like the "url" command described earlier on
the thread.

> I apologize for the miscommunication.

I don't think one is necessary, or if one is, I need to apologize as
well for missing the change in direction.

Mike Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>            
Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

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