Igor Podlesny wrote:
> Now  it's  all  clear  :)  and  I  understand  that  it was just a way
> SENDMAIL's  is  configured.  Another  question could be why not to use
> syntax  .foo.bar  instead  of foo.bar but I'm quite ready to call it a
> rhetorical one ;-)) (regexps are also there ;-)

The virtusertable file syntax is such that:

        foo.bar         <predicate>

means "relay for foo.bar, but not *.foo.bar", and:

        .foo.bar        <predicate>

means "relay for *.foo.bar, but not foo.bar", and:

        foo.bar         <predicate>
        .foo.bar        <predicate>

means "relay for both foo.bar and *.foo.bar".  The value
of <predicate> depends on what you want to do with the
email, and it is usually a tuple consisting of a mailer
and a disposition suffix for that mailer, e.g.:

        foo.bar         local:bob
        .foo.bar        smtp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

means "send all mail with an address in foo.bar to the POP3
mailbox on the local machine for the local user ``bob'', and
send all mail for any delegates subdomains of foo.bar to the
user ``tom'' with a mail account at another ISP named

If you need to get this complicated, I suggest you read the
sendmail FAQ, or buy a copy of the O'Reilly Sendmail book.

> P.P.S.  I'm  not  quite  sure  should I start new thread or can remain
> within  it  with another question which is: What MTA software supports
> highly  configurable  relaying...  One  of  the  needed  features is a
> support  for using alternative mail routers (relays) in case when this
> MTA  can't  send  a message by itself because of networks problem.

Sendmail... this is handled by the SMART_HOST feature of

> For example situation could be: MTA is on a network A which is temporarily
> cut  off  from it's uplink so it can't transfer mail by itself, but it
> has  a  connection (permanent or dial-up) to another mailer.

Mail routing is via DNS.  If you are on the other side of a
dialup, you should mark the mailer expensive, set HoldExpensive
to "True", and then explicitly do the queue run in your link-up
script, or, if you prefer, at intervals.

Generally, what you want to do is a bad idea, since the best way
to handle this if you have an unreliable permanent connection,
is to simply use your other connection to contact the same list
of MX's that it would have contacted anyway.

> Are there such  MTAs  which can be said "if you can't send it
> by yourself (would be   cool   if   additional   parameters
> were  some_time_period  and failure_reason) then use that MTA
> (ip-addr) or that (another-ip)?".

By IP address is a bad idea, though it could be done.

> I  suspect in common case such "system" could easily lead to
> loops and have  other  drawbacks  but  in such simple
> configuration it seems all should work fine...

Not really.  But it will take you some amount of time to
configure this correctly, and to get your back end infrastructure
in place.

I did this work for IBM Web Connections, and it took us 3 months
to do the back end stuff, and 8 months to do all the client side
stuff, so that it was all turn key.

Basically, you are asking for a huge technology transfer,
which generally runs most ISPs several hundreds of thousands
of dollars to acquire.  With the questions you are asking,
you will probably need to buy or license it from someone.

-- Terry

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