Ok, here are the first set of results.  I am going to rerun the entire
    suite of tests again with the machines limited to 128M of ram to see
    what happens then.

    BTW, these are really nice machines!  I highly recommend DELL2550's.

    The results w/ 512M are basically that it doesn't matter what we do
    with the namei cache.  vmiodirenable is the only thing that really makes
    a difference.  I expect we will see more differentiation in the 128M



                                                TEST SUITE 1 (512M ram)

buildworld of -stable.          DELL2550 (Duel PIII-1.2GHz / 512M ram / SCSI)
23 September 2001               SMP kernel, softupdates-enabled, dirpref'd local 
/usr/src (no nfs),
make -j 12 buildworld           UFS_DIRHASH.  2 identical machines tested in parallel 
(test1, test2)
/usr/bin/time -l timings        note: atime updates left enabled in all tests

REUSE LEAF DIR VNODES:  directory vnodes with no subdirectories in the namei cache can 
be reused
REUSE ALL DIR VNODES:   directory vnodes can be reused (namei cache ignored)
DO NOT REUSE DIR...:    (Poul's original 1995 algo) directory vnode can only be reused 
if no subdirectories or files in the
                         namei cache

VMIODIRENABLE ENABLED   [------------ A ------------]   [------------ B ------------]  
 [------------ C ------------]
                                        [BEST CASE  ]                   [BEST CASE  ]  
                 [BEST CASE  ]
machine                 test1   test2   test1   test2   test1   test2   test1   test2  
 test1   test2   test1   test2
pass (2)            R   1       1       2       2   R   1       1       2       2    R 
 1       1       2       2
vfs.vmiodirenable   E   1       1       1       1   E   1       1       1       1    E 
 1       1       1       1
vfs.nameileafonly   B   1       1       1       1   B   0       0       0       0    B 
 -1      -1      -1      -1
                    O                               O                                O
                    O   REUSE LEAF DIR VNODES       O   REUSE ALL DIR VNODES         O 
                    T                               T                                T
                        25:46   25:44   25:19   25:05   25:49   25:40   25:14   25:04  
 25:46   25:42   25:07   25:14
real                    1546    1544    1519    1505    1549    1540    1514    1504   
 1546    1542    1507    1514
user                    1361    1352    1359    1356    1362    1354    1361    1354   
 1361    1352    1358    1355
sys                     636     637     645     640     632     633     642     641    
 636     637     642     640
max resident            16292   16276   16268   16288   16284   16288   16280   16280  
 16288   16288   16284   16288
avg shared mem          1026    1025    1025    1025    1027    1028    1025    1023   
 1025    1026    1026    1025
avg unshared data       1018    1009    1014    1007    1007    1010    1007    1008   
 1010    1018    1006    1002
avg unshared stack      129     129     129     129     129     129     129     128    
 129     129     129     129
page reclaims           11.15M  11.15M  11.16M  11.15M  11.15M  11.16M  11.15M  11.16M 
 11.15M  11.15M  11.15M  11.15M
page faults             1812    1800    1316    1348    1797    1798    1320    1273   
 1795    1797    1307    1321
swaps                   0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0      
 0       0       0       0
block input ops         26542   26535   9272    9233    26555   26577   9258    8720   
 26470   26552   8905    9237
block output ops        5400    5217    5248    5266    5450    5109    5328    5389   
 5332    5371    5300    5341
messages sent           34582   34572   33533   33538   34579   34538   33539   33510  
 34610   34587   33525   33543
messages received       34582   34578   33533   33539   34580   34540   33546   33524  
 34610   34589   33525   33543
signals received        8       8       8       8       8       8       8       8      
 8       8       8       8
voluntary ctx sw        594390  595868  575038  574626  594677  594028  571265  572912 
 593500  593548  571394  573575
invol. ctx switch       380583  381897  378850  376941  380393  381540  374408  376260 
 380385  379585  375318  374844

desiredvnodes           36157   36157   36157   36157   36157   36157   36157   36157  
 36157   36157   36157   36157
maxvnodes (sysstat)(1)  37099   37064   37122   37208   37180   36928   37193   37314  
 37175   37152   37152   37152

VMIODIRENABLE DISABLED  [------------ D ------------]   [------------ E ------------]
                                        [BEST CASE  ]                   [BEST CASE  ]
machine                 test1   test2   test1   test2   test1   test2   test1   test2
pass (2)            R   1       1       2       2   R   1       1       2       2
vfs.vmiodirenable   E   0       0       0       0   E   0       0       0       0
vfs.nameileafonly   B   1       1       1       1   B   <=0     <=0     <=0     <=0
                    O                               O
                    O   REUSE LEAF DIR VNODES       O   DO NOT REUSE DIR VNODES 
                    T                               T
                        26:19   26:03   25:50   25:37   26:16   26:10   25:46   25:43
real                    1579    1563    1550    1537    1576    1570    1546    1543
user                    1361    1356    1360    1355    1359    1349    1361    1354
sys                     634     632     640     637     636     639     641     641
max resident            16264   16276   16276   16280   16292   16280   16284   16283
avg shared mem          1026    1025    1026    1025    1027    1025    1025    1026
avg unshared data       1012    1005    1010    1009    1009    1007    1010    1010
avg unshared stack      129     129     129     129     129     129     129     129
page reclaims           11.15M  11.15M  11.15M  11.15M  11.15M  11.15M  11.15M  11.15M
page faults             1716    1720    1272    1263    1717    1758    1264    1244
swaps                   0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
block input ops         33716   33749   18888   18930   33788   33849   18760   18794
block output ops        5283    5304    5305    5365    5525    5411    5423    5465
messages sent           34759   34732   33659   33650   34710   34707   33645   33686
messages received       34760   34738   33660   33651   34711   34707   33649   33693
signals received        8       8       8       8       8       8       8       8
voluntary ctx sw        604747  602379  586746  584227  603949  603830  584766  585322
invol. ctx switch       384576  383500  381032  379730  383183  383798  379336  380705

desiredvnodes           36157   36157   36157   36157   36157   36157   36157   36157
maxvnodes (sysstat)(1)  37096   37062   37488   37231   37107   37228   37107   37228

note(1): there aren't enough discrete directories in /usr/src and /usr/obj to
         make a difference in the maxvnode numbers no matter what algorithm
         is chosen when vmiodirenable is turned on.  /usr/src has 6607 directories
         and 62635 files.  Running the entire suite of tests again with the
         machine artificially reduced to 128M of memory should yield more
         interesting results.

note(2): PASS 1 vs PASS 2.  A second buildworld pass is taken after the first
         completes.  Considering the amount of ram in the machines the second
         pass is expected to perform much better due to prior caching of data.

TESTS 1A, 1B, 1C:  All results are within a standard-deviation of each
         other.  With vmiodirenabled turned on, it does not appear to matter
         what type of namecache restriction(s) we place on directory vnode
         reuse.  The existance of direcory pages in the VM Page cache appear
         to override all other considerations (at least on these boxes, with
         512M of physical ram).  Again, running the entire suite of tests again
         with the machines artifically reduced to 128M of memory should yield
         more interesting results.

TESTS 1D, 1E:  These tests were run with vmiodirenable turned off.  This
         has the effect of reducing (by two orderes of magnitude) the amount
         of memory available to cache directories.  Therefore the namei cache
         tests in the vnode reuse code become much more important.  Turning
         off vmiodirenable resulted in around 40 second longer buildworlds
         even in the best case.  Again, these numbers should alter more
         drastically in SUITE 2 when we test with less physical memory.


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