I didn't see anything like this in the archives, so I'm sending this to
the questions list and hackers list for assistance.

I am running FreeBSD 4.3 on a L440GX+ motherboard with dual PCI buses: 32/33
and 32/66 dual Pentium III @ 700MHz with 256KB L2 cache.
The system is running in Uniprocessor mode. Although running the
tests on FreeBSD 4.1 has not caused the problem.

My problem:
I have an application that reads from a SCSI bus, and forwards the
SCSI CDB's to another system over TCP. When running a large load the
system gets SCSI bus device reset's that the application acknowledges
and clears an error bit. After a period of time, in this example about
2.5 hours, the system stops processing any SCSI CDB's. In DDB the ps
output show 11 runnable process, p_wchan == 0, and curproc points to one
of the processes.

However, when checking the run queues via gdb, none of the runnable
processes is in a run queue. According to rtqueuebits, queuebits, and
idqueuebits, only queue[12] has any runnable processes. Examing the
proc structures for the runnable processes, their priority is 6, so they
should be in queue[6]. I cannot determine anything obvious in the process
scheduling code, but something is happening.

I am attaching the system dmesg output from boot to taking the system dump,
the ddb output on the serial console, and the output from gdb of the process'
stack trace and proc structure.

If anyone needs more information just ask and I'll try to get it for you.

Does anyone believe upgrading to FreeBSD 4.4 would resolve the problem?

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