Because i want to learn more about the BSD-kernel i bought
the book "The Design and Implementation of the 4.4BSD Operating
System" [McKusick, et.al.]. Now i come across the topic
"Buffer Management" and i have a question: Is it possible
that a call to bread() can result in a buffer covering
more than one disk-block? If this is true how does the kernel
ensures that there are no disk-blocks in more than one buffer
(as the kernel does when files are shortened or removed)?
Is it possible that its the callers (caller of bread()) task
to keep track of overlapping buffers? And breads size argument
is 'just' for flexibility and the caller has to ensure integrity.


The instructions said to use Windows 98 or better, so I installed FreeBSD.

                -- Jim Levie in comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc --

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