In a message dated 11/29/2001 7:16:17 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

> Well, let me give you something else to put in your pipe and smoke. :-)
>  I've spent about $800 on a few WANic 4xx cards (used, I'll grant) precisely
>  because
>  source for the driver is available.  I happen to not use them with Frame
>  circuits so
>  I used the HDLC in the driver.
>  I have spent $0.00 on ET cards precisely because the driver code is
>  unavailable.
>  Now, as I've never used ET cards, I'll take your statement at face value 
> that
>  their drivers are superior to the WANic one.
>  But, I'm not going to pick a superior binary-only driver over an inferior
source-freely-available driver, if I have a choice.  You may think this is
screwy but it's how I feel.

You are entitled to your opinion, but you (and others) should explain that 
when you are making "recommendations" because Im sure there are those that 
actually think that you are recommending the best solution, which clearly 
isnt the case. Most people prefer a boom-box to a crystal set, and those 
reading your opinions don't understand that context.

I seem to remember reading in some book that  the main advantage FreeBSD has 
over linux is its corporate-friendly license (who wrote that thing 
anyway?)...yet you bash the concept of using the license. It seems a bit 
hypocritcal to me.


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