On Tue, Oct 02, 2001 at 09:14:56AM +0200, Martin Vana wrote:
> hi,
> is there any utility that can read a bsd FS from win/dos?
> thank you

None that I have heard of.  If it's really important that you access the
filesystem from Windows and you have a lot of CPU and memory to spare,
you could run VMware [1] on Windows with FreeBSD running in a virtual
machine.  It's kind of a round-about way to do it, but it would probably


1.  http://www.vmware.com/

Brian O'Shea    (408) 822-3249    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>     3.3.163(Pen)
"Stare not too deeply into the Pen, lest the Pen stare back into you."

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