Hi All,

I just installed a couple of the SMC SMC9462TX adapters in two of
my systems here and am playing around with them to see what kind of
performance I can get from them (I have ordered a 8-port switch but
won't get it for a couple of weeks). Both systems are running FreeBSD
4.4-stable, one is a 1.4 GHz Athlon and the other is a dual 1.2 GHz
Athlon. Running netperf (the default test) over the link I get about
216 Mb/s. Frankly, I was hoping for more (perhaps double that number).
Is that realistic? Do I need to do some configuration adjustments (all
of my network paramemeters are at their defaults, including an MTU of
1500...though simply raising that didn't seem to help).

Thanks for any help/advice,


Bob Willcox               Putt's Law:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                Technology is dominated by two types of people:
Austin, TX                    Those who understand what they do not manage.
                              Those who manage what they do not understand.

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