> > If anyone has an interest in adding support for the SBS WAN cards to
> > FreeBSD, feel free to contact me.  I'll be glad to help.
> Just package your driver with your cards, or stick it on your support 
> site.  The whole point being that you don't *have* to get your code into 
> the tree; you can maintain it successfully without either a) introducing 
> overhead for us handling your module, or b) introducing latency for you 
> trying to push a new version through our release process.
> I get the impression you haven't quite gotten the idea here yet; you 
> don't *need* to be in the base distribution, and in many cases it's 
> better not to be simply because it involves less work for everyone.

O.k.--one more message.  :-)

We don't want to be in the base distribution.  Never have wanted to be,
nor have I indicated in my messages that we wanted to be.

All we would like to see drivers for FreeBSD available in the market. 


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