On Thu, Nov 29, 2001 at 10:28:09PM -0500, Leo Bicknell wrote:
> > I can't reproduce this result, 16K fills a T1 for 11 ms, which is
> > 22000 km (at 2/3 of light speed), enough to get halfway round the
> Your math is a little funny.

Right, I knew there was something wrong somewhere :-)

> 4000 km one way == 8000 km two way, 8000 / 168300 = 47ms in my book,
> theoretial optimum.
> With an RTT of 47ms, you can move 16k per RTT, or or about 340k/sec.

It's where I don't quite agree: for a bulk transfer, there is no
RTT to account for, you only need to take into account the one-way
delay, TCP does the rest for you assuming the window is large enough.


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