Wilko Bulte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Wed, Dec 05, 2001 at 11:51:02AM -0500, Mike Barcroft wrote:
> > Jim Durham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > Duh... right. OGS..(Old Guy Syndrome). I actually just did a cvsup to 
> > > RELENG_4_4 and it didn't have the fixes. I guess I'll rephrase my
> > > question... "Can we have the patches in REGENG_4_4?".
> > 
> > RELENG_4_4 is for security fixes only.  Consider using -STABLE if you
> > require additional improvements.
> s/security/security and critical bug/

Did I miss a change in policy?  The original announcement about
RELENG_4_3 said:

:    ----------------------------------------------
: As of FreeBSD 4.3-RELEASE, the security officer will be providing
: support for a new CVS branch consisting of 4.3-RELEASE plus all
: released security patches from FreeBSD Security Advisories.  This
: branch carries the CVS branch tag of ``RELENG_4_3'', and can be
: tracked using the usual source distribution methods such as cvsup
: using this branch tag.
: In contrast to 4.3-STABLE (``RELENG_4''), which carries security
: updates as well as general bugfixes and feature enhancements, the
: RELENG_4_3 release branch will carry ONLY security fixes: it is
: intended for users of FreeBSD who do not wish to track the full
: 4.3-STABLE branch but who wish to keep their system up-to-date with
: security fixes in a semi-automated manner (i.e. without applying
: patches by hand).
: This practise of using a release branch to hold security fixes is
: likely to be continued for future releases of FreeBSD.

I was hoping to find more information in the Handbook, but we seem to
be missing a chapter about this.

Best regards,
Mike Barcroft

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