G'day everyone,

Sorry I was out of the loop for a couple of days. One of our students
handed in his thesis. It has been a tad busy.

I did the following tests on my laptop by just remaking ppp alone (rather
than the world like in my first attempts to track down the problem) 
using source from 12am 30th july and 12am 1st August. This was 
with a 4.4-stable kernel and userland. 

A few people with Telstra ADSL emailed me saying they have no
problems at all using recent versions, (4.4 release and very recent

However, it appears they have all used values of 1492 rather
than 1454 for mtu/mru. Phillip Crumpler stated that he found these
values by removing the set lines from his ppp.conf and letting it
autonegotiate. I tried that and it indeed auto-negotiated values of
1492 and worked AOK. Directly setting the values to 1492 with:

  set mru 1492
  set mtu 1492

worked OK too. However setting to 1454 didn't work in two
aspects. First, rather than setting to 1454, the mtu was set to 1492
which agrees with the behaviour in the PR of Jim Housley: 


where the "set" option was observed not to "set" at all. Secondly, 
traffic with "large" packets failed to flow. 

On Brian's suggestion I tried 

  set mru max 1454
  set mtu max 1454

with the Aug 1st version which happily set the mtu and mru to 1454 and
worked without a problem. 

Once I knew I could reproduce everything, I updated my gateway box to
4.4-stable, made the world and confirmed that the behaviour was the
same on it as in my laptop tests with ppp from Aug 1st. So the strange
behaviour was introduced on July 30th. 

I have emailed the ppp connection logs direct to Brian rather than
send an (even more!) lengthy email to the lists. 

So the upshot is I now have a working 4-STABLE gateway (hooray!!) and
can confirm the PR of Jim Housley. If anyone is using more recent
versions of stable (post Jul 30th) with Telstra ADSL I am pretty sure
they will have trouble if they follow Paul Hoadley's instructions
(www.logicsquad.net) exactly. The "set mt[ur] 1454" has to be
changed to either "set mt[ur] max 1454" or "set mt[ur] 1492".

A big thanks to everyone who responded!! I really appreciate it.


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