> The only thing I get is a math exception because "closeprob" is zero
> since no -c option was given.
> Can you provide some sample parameters please ?

Hmmm, how strange, now that I look at the code it's obvious that a
divide by zero will occur with a zero closeprob and the docs state the
default to be "infinity", which is obviously not the case.  The
strange part is that I ran this on freebsd.apple.com, which is running
4.4-stable, with one parameter (the filename) exactly as I pasted in
the usage instructions before.  Perhaps all this time spent living
next to the Macintosh in my office has induced that copy of FreeBSD to
be more "friendly" and mask simple math errors. :-)

In any case, -c 1 appears to work just fine.

- Jordan

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