In article by Greg Lehey:
> That may be easier than you think.  I'm copying Warren Toomey on
> this.  Warren is (a) a FreeBSD user and (b) the person who negotiated
> these contracts in the first place.  Warren, Peter is thinking of
> porting the 2BSD file system (not sure whether that's UFS or the
> original UNIX file system) to FreeBSD.  As Terry observes, the current
> license doesn't allow that.

All, I've had a brief look at the UFS implementation in FreeBSD 4.x,
2.11BSD and a few other systems. I would say that there's enough in
FreeBSD's /sys/ufs/ufs code that 2.11BSD's UFS code is not required.
Perhaps you could read 2.11BSD's code just to cross check things in
FreeBSD's UFS implementation.

I've attached a GIF to show the relationship between the various
systems al the way back to the UFS in 7th Edition (1979). I have
also put up the code for comparison at:

As per the Caldera license, you need to prove that you agree to this
license to get access. This is easily done at:

and you will be e-mailed your username and password.

Obviously, the codebase has diverged between FreeBSD and 2.11BSD, but
I would say that FreeBSD already has a nearly-working UFS implementation.
Also, the structure of UFS is so well documented in various books that,
even if FreeBSD's UFS implementation was deficient, it could be rectified
with reference to the books.

Hope this helps,

Attachment: ufsdiagram.gif
Description: ufsdiagram.gif

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