Originally posted to questions- with no answer,
maybe someone here can help?


-----Original Message-----
Sent: 12 December 2001 15:38
Subject: Q regarding booting from Mylex acceleraid170

Hi All

I have a Dell Poweredge 2550 with on board SCSI 7899 controller.
That controller is not actually fitted to any drives, only the
tape unit (DDS3).

I actually have a Mylex Acceleraid170 board attached to the four
Scsi drives creating a single drive volume. All seems to work fine
but the boot up is painfully slow, for example:-

/kernel: acd0: CDROM <TEAC CD-ROM CD-224E> at ata0-master using PIO4
/kernel: Waiting 3 seconds for SCSI devices to settle

[Wait 2.5 minutes here, then]

/kernel: mly0: physical device 0:6  sense data received
/kernel: mly0:   sense key 5  asc 00  ascq 00
/kernel: mly0:   info 00000000  csi 00000000

[Wait a further 3 minutes here, then]

/kernel: mly0:  enclosure 6 unit 0 access offline
 Mounting root from ufs:/dev/da0s1a

[Wait a further 2 minutes here then]

/kernel: da0 at mly0 bus 1 target 0 lun 0
/kernel: da0: <RAID 5 online > Fixed Direct Access SCSI-3 device 
/kernel: da0: 135.168MB/s transfers
/kernel: da0: 34688MB (71041024 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 4422C)

[booting continues normally from here]

Anyone any idea why this is all so slow? Not complaining too 
much since it works but I can't help thinking I've done something
wrong because of this. 

fyi I'm running 4-STABLE [as of 12/12/2001] and it happens with both
GENERIC and my custom kernel. Before going to STABLE I installed R4.3
from CDRom and it did the same there also (GENERIC and custom).


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