On Tue, 18 Dec 2001, Brandon D. Valentine wrote:

> On Tue, 18 Dec 2001, Mike Bristow wrote:
> >I suspect that the background fsck[1] that's available in FreeBSD-current
> >fits the bill just as well as JFS or XFS - and I'll also bet that it'll
> >be available in a FreeBSD-release before I'd trust data to a port of
> >JFS or XFS.
> This is a killer feature.  Has anyone decided whether snapshots and
> background fsck will ever be backported to the RELENG_4 branch or are
> they destined for 5.0? 

In a word (or two): highly unlikely.  This code has been considered
experimental for a while now, and I expect that it will remain so.  While
it has been gradually improving stability (it no longer toasts your system
when you send a kill signal to fsck_ffs in the background), a number of
usability factors are still being addressed.  Kirk recently committed
several performance improvements that (apparently) result in a far more
usable system during the background fsck.  Previously, my system was
available, but largely unuseful, during the background fsck.  This code
relies on the FFS snapshot feature, which is also not as widely tested,
and has some compatibility concerns.  If the support for snapshots hasn't
yet been MFC'd to -STABLE fsck, we may want to consider doing so; last
time I checked, if a snapshot was found by RELENG_4's fsck, it would be
rather sadly removed with some unhappiness from fsck.  As such, I'd
probably resist efforts to MFC this code, and just go for inclusion in
5.0-RELEASE.  We'll need to give it a lot of testing however. :-)

Robert N M Watson             FreeBSD Core Team, TrustedBSD Project
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      NAI Labs, Safeport Network Services

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