
I'd like to apologize for my cross-posting: if there is some following
debate I'd like to move it to freebsd-hackers.

> the usual problem with this kind of performance with any driver
> is failed full/half duplex negotiation.  Please try manually forcing your 
> card to half or full duplex 
> Add one of 
>       -mediaopt full-duplex
> or
>       -mediaopt half-duplex
> depending on the setting of your switch to your ifconfig line in /etc/rc.conf
> This is the single most common cause of really low ethernet performance.
> I have had good experiences with the tx driver on 4.3 ond 4.4 releases.

Well - this is the answer I got from almost everybody. My answer for this
is: no, it's not about the duplex problems :-(. I should have describe those
problems in more detailed way:

- this is not general behavior: the card gets about 11,6 MBps throughput
  using netperf tests

- this problem arises in quite obscure conditions:

  - either on routers (FreeBSD machine with this SMC card is acting
    as PC router) where the network load rises over certain values
    (but this is hard to simulate :-( )

  - when I check out large CVS tree on my own machine with this
    card: the symptoms here are
    1) rather fast start
    2) then it gradually reduces speed (even much less than mentioned
       200 kBps - it decreases to few kBps)
    3) end up with overall run time more than 10x higher than
       it is on all other comparable machines :-(

So - is there anybody experiencing similar problems?

Best regards and thanks,


                            Petr Holub
CESNET z.s.p.o.                       Supercomputing Center Brno
Zikova 2                             Institute of Compt. Science
10200 Praha, CZ                               Masaryk University
Czech Republic                     Botanicka 68a, 60200 Brno, CZ 
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]              phone: +420-5-41512278
                                       e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

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