On Fri, 25 Jan 2002, Dmitry Mottl wrote:

> Hi, All
> Sorry, for posting a big dump, but it is needed for understanding
> the problem.
> I have very slow tcp connection between two computers on the same LAN
> This computers uses FreeBSD 4.4 GENERIC kernel
> This is a TCPDUMP for and passive ftp transfer
> As you can see the transfer stops every 1 second!!!
> So the question is WHY??
> All sysctl variables are identical
> I'm not using firewalls or traffic shappers

Well, from this trace it's clear that packet loss is occuring; the 1
second delays are retransmit timeouts, nothing unexpected there.  As far
as I can tell from looking at the trace, the problem is not a fault in
FreeBSD's tcp stack, but rather something hardware related.  I'd suggest
changing network cards on host A to see if that makes a difference.

Mike "Silby" Silbersack

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