On Sun, 2002-02-10 at 00:55, Kip Macy wrote:
> A working version of gdb 5.1 with full user thread support (fixes for bin/24066,
> gnu/33182, and as yet unfiled seg fault when resuming from a non-running
> thread) is available at:
> http://www.eventdriven.org/freebsd.html


Thanks for doing this; not having thread support in gdb-5.1 was really
starting to chafe me, especially since some mutex debugging stuff in a
big chunk of code I'm working on causes gdb-4.18 to blow chunks.

You mention on your page that you're willing to add in support for
examining non-running threads in coredumps if people feel strongly about
it. I'd absolutely love that feature -- I spend a sizable amount of time
staring at coredumps of multithreaded programs, and that'd make my life
a lot easier.


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