I am trying to remotely upgrade a 3.3-RELEASE box to 4.5-RELEASE.

I upgraded the source tree with cvsup. I followed the instructions and 
the notes in UPGRADING, but I can't get the make buildword to complete 
without unresolved references.

I then de-cvsup'd (to coin a phrase) to 3.5-RELEASE sources and did a 
buildworld and installworld, which went fine. I left the 3.3 kernel 
running, figuring the libs would turn the trick, but maybe this is not a 
"good thing" ? Trying to build 4.5 sources with the 3.5 libs installed  
showed no improvement.

So, I decided to transfer the /usr/obj tree from a 4.5 box to the remote. 
machine. I then built a kernel and transferred the build directory to the 
remote box.

Just being a cautious sort, I tried running a binary from the obj tree.
It failed with a BRANDELF warning. Is this because I did not run 
'mergemaster' after installing the 3.5 world?

Is this "Mission Impossible"? I have no one at the site that can do this.

If I say "make installworld" is the whole thing going to come to a 
grinding halt?

-Jim Durham

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