On Thu, 7 Mar 2002 11:41:28 +0000 (GMT)
Mike Silbersack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, 7 Mar 2002, cjp wrote:
> > In order to handle the kruft that occurs, there is the out of memory
> > killer, oom_killer.
> > Which merrily goes through the list of processes, killing off the low
> > priority processes
> > until enough memory is free to satisfy what was most recently used. 
> > It's the loan shark
> > repayment program, with OOMKiller performing the function of the
> > deliquency reminder.
> FreeBSD overcommits and has a OOMKiller too.  You just haven't noticed it
> because it's not triggered until you're out of swap space.
> The one thing that _does_ strike me as odd in this comparison is that
> Dimitar is using 2.4.17.  If that's 2.4.17, I'm surprised that it's
> working ok, as everyone on the linux-kernel list seems to be applying
> either the -AA or -rmap patches.  Of course, if that's SUSE's 2.4.17, I
> assume that the -AA patches are already applied.

Well, this SuSE is upgraded 7.1 installation, with no SuSE kernel downloaded
from kernel.org).

> In any case, we can't make any useful comparisons until Dimitar posts the
> source to his test program.
> Dimitar, post the source for the test program!
> Mike "Silby" Silbersack

Dimitar Peikov
Programmer Analyst
Globalization Group
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