Has anyone got FreeBSD to recognise one of these?
I've tried modifying sio.c by adding this at line 598..
        { 0x00046666, "PCCOM Serial", 0x18 },

But no luck.. Booting -v produces no diagnostics <sigh>
pciconf -l for this card produces ->
none0@pci0:11:0:        class=0x070002 card=0x00000000 chip=0x00046666 rev=0x02 

The card has a PLX 9051 and 2 16750's on it. The Linux driver for it
looks pretty basic - it is a patch to serial.c which doesn't appear to
actually do much apart from working out how many ports the card has and
what sort of UART it possesses. (via PCI config regs).

Anyone else had any luck with these?

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
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