Hi everyone,

 I have noticed quite some time ago a strange way in which some basic
FreeBSD utilities work, related to symlinks. Example session:

bgd@cvs$ mkdir temp
bgd@cvs$ ln -s temp b
bgd@cvs$ ls -ald temp b
lrwxr-xr-x  1 bgd  wheel    4 Apr  9 11:27 b -> temp
drwxr-xr-x  2 bgd  wheel  512 Apr  9 11:27 temp
bgd@cvs$ rm -rf b/
bgd@cvs$ ls -ald temp b
ls: temp: No such file or directory
lrwxr-xr-x  1 bgd  wheel  4 Apr  9 11:27 b -> temp

 As you can see, when I tried to remove the symlink 'b' with a trailing
slash 'rm -rf b/', the target directory was removed instead of the actual
symlink. Of course, this is weird (tryied it on some other 10 un*xes, and
all worked in another way).

 I have attached a patch for the 'rm' untility, which strips the trailing
slash(es) from the path (according to Posix.2). But I think there are many
other utilities which need to be patched (e.g. cp, mv).

<                 /* strip trailing slashes, since POSIX.2 defines basename
<                  as the final portion of a path after the trailing slashes
<                  have been removed.
<                */
<                 p = strrchr (*t, '\0');
<                 while (--p > *t && *p == '/')
<                        *p = '\0';

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