At 6:40 PM -0700 4/22/02, Peter Wemm wrote:
>Mike Meyer wrote:
>  > Jordan Hubbard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
>  > > My question:  Who's "wrong" here, FreeBSD or Mac OS X?  If the latter,
>>  Someone decided that FreeBSD should do challengeresponse
>>  authentication by default. You can fix it by uncommenting the line
>>  "#ChallengeResponseAuthentication no" in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.
>AHA!  I've been wondering about this too.  I cheated and set
>"Protocol 1,2" to avoid the whole issue.

The release notes at:

imply you can also fix this on the client side by adding the
     PreferredAuthentications publickey,password,keyboard-interactive

to your own ~/.ssh/config file (useful if you need to connect to
some machine where you can't change the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file).
Usually I wouldn't know these things, but I just happened to be
reading the errata notes a few minutes ago...   :-)

Garance Alistair Drosehn            =   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Systems Programmer           or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute    or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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