Title: Message
Okay, i am getting some wierd stuff with this :)
I got a WinXP client running the Orinico Client manager, and am watching what speed the FreeBSD machine is sending me packets at.
silence:~# wicontrol -t 5
With that option set, lets play with ifconfig.
silence:~# ifconfig wi0 media DS/1Mbps
Okay. This sends at 1mbps, as expected.
silence:~# ifconfig wi0 media DS/2Mbps
Okay. This sends at 2mbps, as expected.
silence:~# ifconfig wi0 media DS/5.5Mbps
This sends at 11mbps. WTF?! What happened to 5.5?
silence:~# ifconfig wi0 media DS/11Mbps
This sends at 2mbps. Again, WTF? What happened to 11?
Lets set it to:
silence:~# ifconfig wi0 media DS/5.5Mbps
And now play with wicontrol....
silence:~# wicontrol -t 1
Does it at 1mbit. Well, expected i think. Says 1mbps in the manual page.
silence:~# wicontrol -t 2
Does it at 2mbit. Also expected.

silence:~# wicontrol -t 4
Does it at 5.5mbit. Manual page says 4mbit (never mind there is no such thing as 4mbit)

silence:~# wicontrol -t 5
Does it at 11mbit. Manual page says 6mbit (never mind there is no such thing as 6mbit).
silence:~# wicontrol -t 3
Does it at 11mbit. Manual page says it auto rate select high.
So, um, why all this insanity?
Do i just stick to putting wicontrol -t 5 and ifconfig media DS/5.5mbps?
I've tried various orinico cards, and they all exhbit this behaviour... What confuses me is, why make it possible to select speeds via ifconfig AND wicontrol? Why not just one place?
Any ideas? Any explanations?
PS. make sure you include me in the TO/CC field as i am not on the mailing list.

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