Crist J. Clark says:
> On Mon, May 20, 2002 at 12:25:58PM -0500, Damon Anton Permezel wrote:
> > It is not a matter of a timeout.
> > I have no control over's DNS.  It has nothing to do
> > with my ISP.  I am my own ISP, which is why I spent some time looking
> > into this failure, to determine if it was a problem on my end.  It is,
> > because I installed a broken sendmail.

  Your ISPs DNS is broken. Whether or not -you- like it, IPV6 is coming.
If you in particular don't want to use IPV6 then your ISP will fail.
You can also continue to drive your horse and buggy.
Compile in IPV6 use the work-around for now and complain to your ISP.

  Damon why are you such a WHINER anyway? Get a life.

> > The success of the internet has often been attributed in part to the
> > philosophy stated in RFC 791.  I quote:
> > 
> >     "The implementation of a protocol must be robust.  Each
> >      implementation must expect to interoperate with others created
> >      by different individuals. ....
> >      In general, an implementation must be conservative in its sending
> >      behavior, and liberal in its receiving behavior."
> Too bad the people who wrote these broken DNS servers didn't follow
> the rule.


--- aphorisms are ephemeral.

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