On Sat, 1 Jun 2002, Giorgos Keramidas wrote:

>On 2002-05-31 20:53 -0500, Brandon D. Valentine wrote:
>> Assuming your script works, here's the procmail hoodoo:
>> :0 fw
>> * ^List-Id: <cvs-all.FreeBSD.ORG>
>> | /path/to/filter/script
>The problem with this is that I would have to hardwire the output
>folder name to the script, or pass it as a parameter.  I've found two
>answers until now, by reading my manpages [beats head]. One is:

Nonsense.  With the rule I gave you your script should take the message
on stdin, modify it, and spit it back out on stdout where it will
continue to fall through the procmail rules.  That's what the 'f' option
at the start of the rule is all about.  You end up with two succesive
rules like this:

:0 fw
* ^List-Id: <cvs-all.FreeBSD.ORG>
| /path/to/filter/script

*^ List-Id: <cvs-all.FreeBSD.ORG>

Make sense?

Brandon D. Valentine
http://www.geekpunk.net                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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