Maxim Sobolev wrote:
> I wonder if there is any co-operation between our KSE and similar
> effort in NetBSD (see
> To
> me it sounds logical to unite efforts if not for the kernel code, but
> at least for the kernel interfaces and userland library.

FreeBSD developers are aware of the implementation of scheduler
activations within NetBSD.

For the most part, the NetBSD implementation is a fairly faithful
implementation of the original Scheduler Activations paper.  The
FreeBSD effort attempts to achieve better performance by going a
slightly different route, with the similar goal of creating a call
conversion threading mechanism (a blocking call is converted into
a non-blocking call plus a thread context switch that does not
result in a heavy weight process context switch, as in the SVR4 and
Linux threading implementations).

If you read the FreeBSD papers on KSE's, the intention is to
ensure SMP scalability via threading (not an issue that was
addressed by the original SA paper), and to minimize context switch
overhead, far more than can be achieved by naieve kernel threading
(as in SVR4 and Linux), without putting the thread group affinity
into the kernel scheduler, with dangerous and unpredictable
stavation deadlocks having a high probability of occurring.

When I originally coined the term KSE (Kernel Schedulable Entity),
it was intentionally different terminology from the exiting
literature, so as to not bias implementation.  My original view
of implementation was that an async call gate, not scheduler
activations, would be used, in order to make all system calls
asynchronus completion (a blocking context would be late-bound
only as necessary, so all calls operating from in-core data, e.g.
"getpid()", "getppid()", "gettimeofday()", etc., would complete
without the creation of a context).

The eventual settlement on the modified SA approach was as a
result of a design decision by Jason Evans, after significant
architectural discussion held both on the mailing lists, and at
the Whistle Communications "all hands" room during BAFUG meetings
on the topic.  As you can see: the use of the new terminology was
successful in avoiding bias, even if it didn't arrive at the more
radical answer I wanted (ironic that the 64 bit change is going
to add a new call gate for a new libc, and that that call gate
will also not be asynchronous, when the original argument against
an async call gate was the call gate change required ;^)).

In any case, the FreeBSD people have examined and learned what
they felt they could from the NetBSD implementation, but the
final FreeBSD implementation is unlikely to share much, if any,

You would probably be well advised to look at the FreeBSD KSE
project pages, and examine the archived architectural and design
documents there, for more information, if you are truly curious
about the FreeBSD implementation.

-- Terry

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