> Hello,


> I am writing an article about FreeBSD's startup
> and kernel init
> (it is at http://oasis.uptsoft.com/~devnull/dh/boot.html
> for whom it may be interesting)

I get a "no route to host" error.

> I am stucked at two lines in locore.s (IA 32 arch)
> /usr/src/sys/i386/i386/locore.s:
>       pushl   $begin                          /* jump to high virtualized address */
>       ret
> /* now running relocated at KERNBASE where the system is linked to run */
> begin:
>       /* set up bootstrap stack */
> My question is:
> why this is done. My understanding was that the loader
> loaded the kernel at high virtual address already,
> so there's no need to jump.

It does exactly what it says on the tin.  (To quote a long running UK tv advert 

This code runs in real mode.  The code prior to this detects the cpu type, 
etc... then sets up the virtual/paged memory mapping tables, then immediately 
prior to the code you quote is this bit:

/* Now enable paging */
        movl    R(IdlePTD), %eax
        movl    %eax,%cr3                       /* load ptd addr into mmu */
        movl    %cr0,%eax                       /* get control word */
        orl     $CR0_PE|CR0_PG,%eax             /* enable paging */
        movl    %eax,%cr0                       /* and let's page NOW! */

Which enables paged memory mode in the processor control register.
However to actually start using paged memory Intel's CPU documentation requires 
a flush and reload of the instruction stream.  The pushl & ret are a convenient 
way to do this, possibly recommended by Intel - I don't have the relevant 
documentation to hand.

The result is that the instruction after 'begin:' is the first to be executed 
in paged mode.


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