On Fri, 21 Jun 2002, Kris Kennaway wrote:

>On Thu, Jun 20, 2002 at 07:33:54PM -0700, Frank Mayhar wrote:
>> Kris Kennaway wrote:
>> > Surely it's easier to just upgrade the apache port, instead of
>> > recompiling your kernel and the entire OS.
>> Not always.  (I'm running an old version of Covalent Raven SSL and I'm
>> loathe to upgrade.  "If it works, don't fix it" and there are only so
>> many hours in a day.)
>The exact same argument can be made for not upgrading the OS, which is
>a much larger endeavour and can potentially screw things up much

That's a very valid point.  I'm certainly not recommending that Frank
upgrade his OS, but I must note that I trust ugprading the entire
FreeBSD operating system to be a smoother operation than upgrading one
single, solitary commercial closed source package.  At least if I'm
gonna go about installing a new world I /know/ what I'm getting myself
into and that if my box gets screwed up:

a) It's probably my fault.
b) I can go reading the error messages and Makefiles and figure out what
I botched.  I have the source.

However, I would ask Frank if there's a particular reason he needs to
use Covalent Raven SSL.  OpenSSL is free, works like gangbusters, and
comes with FreeBSD.  I have a feeling he'd be much happier with it if
there's not some other reason he cannot move to it.

Brandon D. Valentine
http://www.geekpunk.net                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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