
> The main reason I was looking for a userland implementation of this was
> that adding limiting to an FTP server that has an active number of a few
> thousand connections might be a little resource intensive to the kernel
> of the machine.  It's probably OK to stay a bit to much within a
> userland function that searches a hash/list of addresses, but doing this
> in the kernel, is something I can't say I fully understand yet.
Not only this. For example take the normal inetd behaviour for an FTP
If the ftpd child processes grow above the limit, inetd simply won't spawn
The users think that the service is dying (because it can be pinged, but
the client can't log on) and begin to flame the operator (such a lame
service :).
Imagine this with the per IP address limit (this will hit more users,
because of proxies, NAT boxes, etc).

I think it is much better if the daemon can report this via a simple text
The user limit thing is the last which is necessary to the FreeBSD ftpd
for running an anonymous server.

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