:1) How do I give you an entire `ps` output from DDB ?  Is there a way to
:output it to a floppy or something ?  Or are you suggesting to copy down
:by hand ~1000 lines of ps output ?

    If you have a couple of machines you can use a null-modem cable and
    make the target machine's console the serial port by adding the
    following line to the target machine's /boot/loader.conf:


    (note: DDB will occur on the serial port now, not the main system 
    console).  Then on the machine you connected the serial port you can
    'tip com1' (I think).  If you don't have a com1 in /etc/remote you can
    add one:


    In anycase, this way the console will wind up on the serial port
    and you can leave yourself tipped in with a big window and then cut
    and paste when it drops into DDB> and you do the ps.

    The other thing you want to do is to make sure all your kernel builds
    are -g builds, which you can do by adding the following line to
    /usr/src/sys/i386/conf/<YOURKERNEL> (I'm assuming from prior messages
    that you are familiar with building kernels):

        makeoptions     DEBUG=-g

    I also recommend:

        options         ALT_BREAK_TO_DEBUGGER

    This will produce a kernel.debug as well as a kernel binary (only
    'kernel' is installed, but kernel.debug will remain sitting in the
    compile dir).  ALT_BREAK_TO_DEBUGGER allows you to break into DDB>
    via the serial console by using <CR> ~ ^B (return, tilde, control-B)
    from your 'tip'.

    Finally, make sure the swap partition is large enough to hold main
    memory so the kernel dumps core, and use the 'dumpdev' option in
    /etc/rc.conf to set the dump device.  For example:


:2) Any other suggestions as to what it is - if it doesn't look like KVA,
:and I reduced my swap from 2gig to 256megs, and I reduced maxusers from
:512 to 256 ... basically I have a perfectly healthy machine that crashes
:for no reason ?
:All of your help is greatly appreciated.  It's just so frustrating to have
:it halt every day for no apparent reason - as you saw from the `top`
:output just as it halted the other day , the load is trivial.

    I don't know but hopefully a full PS will give us a better window into
    the problem.

    Oh yah, you can also play with different memory configurations simply
    by setting a physical memory limit (<= actual physical ram in the box)
    in /boot/loader.conf, like this:



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