Thus spake Daniel Lang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I've found in the handbook (could also be the FAQ) a paragraph
> that stated, if the hardware (MMU) would support it, FreeBSD
> could address 8 TB of (I guess virtual) memory. The poweredge
> can even be equipped with 6 GB RAM, which is already past
> the 4GB limit of a standard 32bit address space. So I wonder
> if it would be possible to just use the memory as usual? 

No 32-bit architecture can address 8 TB of virtual memory with a
flat address space.  A single process can only address 2^32 bytes
with 32-bit pointers.  Furthermore, the kernel is mapped into
every process' address space, reducing the room available.

However, it is possible to have more than 4 GB of physical memory,
and split it between several processes.  On recent i386s, you can
use up to 64 MB using bank switching, which is a bad idea that has
been reinvented at least a dozen times.  The comment that you read
should probably say, ``If the hardware supported it a long time
ago, someone would have revamped the FreeBSD VM to make use of the
support by now.''  Nobody has bothered yet, to my knowledge, but
rumor has it that Peter Wemm is working on it, and a few months
ago I think David Greenman mentioned possibly doing the same.

But a far better solution is to get a 64-bit processor.  They can
use more than 4 GB of physical memory The Right Way, and an
individual virtual address space can be larger than 4 GB.
Unfortunately, lots of third-party software doesn't work on 64-bit
architectures.  I've been struggling for a while to get a Java VM
to work on ia64.  That's because I need to run some Java programs
that, like most Java programs, need to address more than 4 GB of
RAM.  Sigh.

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