On Fri, Jul 05, 2002 at 07:28:16PM -0700, Paulo Roberto wrote:
> After rebooting to the changes take effect (I do not know if there is a
> way to reload the keymap withou restarting the system), I try
> ctrl+alt+del and then it runs the proper halt/shutdown script, but when
> it was supposed to stop (halt) for the user press the power button, it
> does automaticaly reboot.
> Is there a way to just halt (and stay halted) using ctrl+alt+del?

What you have described should have worked, so I'm guessing that
there is some problem with how you are setting the keymap. I'd
suggest that you try the following:

        kbdcontrol -d > keymap.orig
        cp keymap.orig keymap.my

Now edit keymap.my and make any changes. (I actually map ctrl-alt-end
to halt, so I have a choice or rebooting or halting.) Now load the keymap
and check the change way OK:

        kbdcontrol -l keymap.my
        kbdcontrol -d > keymap.new
        diff keymap.my keymap.new

Now try pressing ctl-alt-end, or whatever combination you choose.


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