> Assuming that bind9 has been fixed, you could use bind9 for your local
> resolver and it will "filter" anything nasty out as a side effect of the
> fact that it always constructs replies, rather than caching a reply and
> forwarding the reply as-is to the resolver client (as bind8 does).

Thank you very much.  I would like to clarify two things - first, that I
can "fix" bind9 by simply grabbing the tarball, configure;make;make
install  ...  or do I have to change libraries on the system itself and
otehrwise rearrange things in order for bind9 to compile "fixed" ?

That is, just update bind9 as normal ?

Second, again, just to clarify, this is a full fix ?  Once someone does
this they can rest easy ?

thanks a lot!

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